Mast down, evening passage thro 4 bridges and W along Etang du Thau to anchor just off canal entrance

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Tue 23 Jun 2015 12:45
43:20.0N 3:32.5E Tuesday 23 June Mast down, 1840 passage thro opened bridges, along shallow inland Etang du Thau, anchor just off canal entrance, Ongles 12NM Chris up mast again to fit another strop; all safely down by noon. Shopping, including diesel. Part of flotilla thro bridges – after first two have to wait circling for half hour, then next two opened and race thro. Turn to port when straight line course to canal entrance. Locals warn us shallow patch ahead so dogleg to marked channel. Anchor in 8ft just off canal entrance. Looks like one other canal bound yacht doing same. Bit sad as leaving Med behind tomorrow. |