Four miles (atcf) to popular and scenic Vathi, on Nisos Meganisi

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Sat 5 Oct 2013 17:10
38:39.8N 20:47.1E
5 October Short hop, four miles as the crow flies, to pretty Vathi on N
coast of Nisos Meganisi, which we haven’t visited so far this trip
Depart Tranquil Bay 1100
Arrive Vathi village quay 1415 10nm
Few clouds over mountains soon burnt off to give really clear blue sky f2
Brrrr. 16 degrees cabin temp at dawn, and lots of dew outside. Still dead
calm. Small 4 tog summer quilt only just enough. Took the 10.5 home in July! 20
degrees by 0930. Half a small jar of marmite left – so special treat of boiled
eggs mm and toast! Motor out around N tip of protecting headland. Headwind.
Hoist sails and tack out between land and island. Destination Vathi on Meganisi
(there’s another Vathi – on Ithaca). Only 4 miles as the crow flies, but with
headlands and islands in the way, and loads of tacking, end up sailing more than
twice that distance. Speed varies from under 1 knt to (occasionally) just about
4knts as wind shifts and comes and goes. Warm enough to go topless (skip only!).
Supposed to be a warm weekend at home too – which will make the sailing club
craning ashore easier. Strong sun here as very clear atmosphere. Wind dies when
about half a mile from destination. Motor in and go bows to squeezing between
Brits – a 54ft Sun Odysey one side and elderly 30ft something the other. Mostly
Brits here, and quite a few Swedes too. Very pretty place. Village quay was full
soon after we arrived (bareboat with Italians had 5 goes at dropping anchor –
either too early and ran out of chain, or it wouldn’t bite as tensioned chain
before enough laid). And this is out of season, and changeover day, so flotillas
back at base. Must be heaving in season .Laze in sun for afternoon as talk of
several days rain from tomorrow. Water in black bag shower quite warm enough
from sun. Walk along windy coastal road W towards Spartakhori. Most spectacular
views as up above sea level, air so clear and dead flat sea. Can see for miles
and miles to N (spot Levkas canal flats and mountains way beyond), W (to
mountainous wooded Levkas) and to E (the mainland mountains). See Nauticat 331
in “marina” (laid sternlines on quay to NW). No one on board. So can’t chat.
Instead get photos of hatches/bimini, for Jan. Usual evening routine – beer
ashore (watch MU kick off and soon go 1-0 down). Need fleeces for walk back to
D`fly to eat on board. Finished the jar of tuna riette opened recently. Bought that way back when in Port Tudi, off Lorient, on the way down