Cross Channel

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Wed 1 May 2013 22:50
49:27.3N 2:32.0W
1 May – Good forecast so go for it
Depart Dartmouth 0600
Arrive St Peter Port harbour pontoons 1730 74 miles
Sunny and v cold, NE f4/5 all the way
God it was cold getting up in the dark and putting on ski undies. BBC
shipping forecast was good. Cast off in no wind as first sign of dawn.
Wind soon picked up for a nice fast reach most of the way. Ended up a bit too
far E so dead downwind for last few miles, and gybed over for a fast sail down
the little Russel with favourable tide. No other craft seen all day, and the
marina was empty too – I wonder why! V pleasant meal and beer (Guinness) ashore
in The Boathouse, and then found one chamber of the duck half empty for the
paddle back. Looked at tides for the next leg and decided to come in over the
sill for easy access, and some power for the fan heater and kettle (for Jane’s
hot water bottle).
2 May- did lots of boat chores.Managed to find the spare duck valve.
R trailed around St PP to find “DRAGONFLY” and “LYMPSTONE” so the transom could
be renamed as the previous display had been removed to fit Leon’s stainless gash
bin (for stowing the kedge anchor). Bought last “English” stores from M&S.
Bbeans and sausages for supper – yum yum. Exit marina 2200 for a few hours on
the harbour pontoons ready for an early start.