Escape town to isolated nearby ancient anchorage

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Sat 4 Jun 2016 13:55
36:47.67N 22:36.56E
Sat 4 June Reccy completed, fresh stores bought (except for gas), short sail ENE to anchor behind islands near Trinisia, where Sparti`s fleet used to moor 3nm (S1 M1/2) Complete shopping, but still can`t find gas (maybe a store 5k out of town can help! Too far for Brompton). Hooked up to elect and filled with water, so some success. No one appears from town hall at 0900 (weekend?) to collect dues. Hot and dusty with lorries delivering concrete and rubble to harbour works. Need to get to sea. Big problems lifting anchor – have picked up giant grapnel anchor. Manage to free with magic hook, but its there for others to catch too. If visitors to be encouraged why don’t authorities get diver to clear area or provide laid lines? Sail with just genoa ENE to anchorage mentioned in Nicholas` pilot – which was the anchorage for Sparti`s fleet a long long time ago. Find good patch sand to anchor n of two islands in 20ft 1430. See dolphin fin (or was it a shark) just off island.Eventually swim to check anchor – lots of rock nearer islands but good spot here. Duck ashore to isolated sandy cove to chill out. V pleasant. Many seagulls roosting on islands, and swifts swooping by. Build led D`fly – BD pressy from Jane GC. On board chucking olive, cherry and apricot stones over wonder if Sparti`s sailors did same!! Sun goes down 2030. Strong NW land breeze gusting thro. Jet black as no moon, so difficult to get marks abeam to lookout for dragging. Good book till 0130 when wind eases and OK to sleep. |