Launch and motor across to Preveza Town Marina

38:58.0N 20.45.4E
Sunday 9 April to Tuesday 12 April Motor across to Preveza Town Marina (1nm), sort new sails and anchor chain, prepare for sea Brief thunderstorm, fresh sunny days, cold nights (HWB still needed) Sunday 10th Dead calm, but big black clouds approaching from W. Depart 0830 just as rain arrives and squally NW wind with some lightning flashes and thunder rumbles. Blows thro as arrive PTM. One space left – we grab it. Porridge for breakfast. Cold E airstream builds. White fluffy clouds. Much cussing fitting new diverter valve in heads. Then lazy day after rush to launch. Chili for supper. Calm V cold night. Monday 11th Sunny. Hoist main to measure reef lines, dash to Ionion yard minibus which does special return journey for me and Sue. Collect mainsail lazy bag – they had 5 months to make it and despite promises it wasn`t ready by Friday. Find name panels with logo on wrong sides. Will do for now. Buy 31m red reef line for new 3rd reef, and one F2 fender. Meet Swedish Girls folk – they are selling her, hopefully after today`s survey and sea trial. Yard mbus back to Preveza town. Hot walk with goodies to L`ula. Jane doing teak. Fit extra reef line and swap existing thro boom. Fit lazy bag. V pleased - excellent workmanship. Metropolis for beer and delux nibbles. Omelette on board. Tuesday 12th Heavy dew quickly burnt off. Chilly night (12 0700) yoghurt and gorgus strawberries for breka. Calm so hoist main to fit reef lines and battens. Anchor chain ashore to measure and mark, and splice to line. Bike to get fresh petrol for OB. Frank & Sue on board for G&T, as sun sets and temp plummets. |