Enjoying marina life - Sally arrives

38:21.6N 21.25.1E Saturday 10 May Getting ship shape and enjoying marina life Alternating fine/showery days – then settles down fair just before Sally arrives
Wait for calm day to get sails bent on and reefing lines in place. Buy 70m yellow 14mm floating rope (as shore sternline when in congested bays) . Jane hoisted up mast to fit new lazyline blocks. Refit PV cells. Buy Cosmote dongle, and can`t get it to work. Spend a long hour in shop following day, and they eventually work out dongle faulty (so not my lack of IT skills after all!). Frequent trips to town on Bromptons, for a loaf of bread, or tomatoes, beer, a few bolts, wetndry, souvlaki for BBQ etc etc. Enjoy marina life - Tuesday is diy music night (v entertaining), Sunday is communal BBQ (seems to be followed by an afternoon nap!) Invited to local school to sample local delicacies and watch some youngsters performing trad dances. Nice to get an insight. Most interesting film [CC1] and talk one evening from famous cat designer and intrepid sailors James Wharram [CC2] and Hanneke Boon. Their current cat is in the yard being prepared for launch. James is now well in his 80s. Film was all about when they built and took a couple of replica traditional Polynesian cats thousands of miles to Lapita a few years ago. Rory’s Cookie is one of his designs – they know him well. Do google James. So quite a liveaboard community here having a fun time – Brits, French, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Ozzies, etc all very friendly getting boats ready. Some beginning to head off now as weather appears more settled. Music evening attendance has peaked till Autumn. Frank and Jackie (Bootlegger) return from a wet and windy winter ashore on the Isle of Man. Looking forward to Frank’s big birthday party in Fiskardho. Rachel eventually arrives Vasaliki (via training on Lesmos) and splashes out a bit extra to get smashing apartment for the summer. Sally (Heptonstall) arrives safely on the bus from Athens. Last visit to marina taverna/bar and the fish taverna in town. We head E tomorrow! Not been that way before. Excited, and quite sad to be leaving Messolonghi as have really enjoyed marina life and the town with such friendly hospitable natives. |
FN:Chris Cooke