Erikoussa and Othoni, Islands NW of Corfu

39:50.5N 19:24.7E Wednesday 20 August and Thursday 21August Forecast of light winds so head N and W to Erikoussa and Othoni, Islands toNW on N Corfu Wednesday 20 depart Agni 0900 Arrive Erikoussa quay1330 24nm M4.5 The usual NWf5/6 have lapsed, so stick to plan to revisit Dhiapondia islands. Othoni was our first Greek port when sailing D`fly down last year (12 July). No wind, so motor all way. Have favourable current of a knot or so. Pod of dolphins ignore us and lollop by. Drop anchor and go stern to on dusty quay. Moonscape view aft, but safely tucked in alongside elderly scruffy Italian boat with 3 generations having much fun. Good on em. Girls do wonderful beach. Deserted.Evening stoll to bar/café/miniminimarket just inshore. Seems to be centre for local families gathering. Quiet unspoilt place. Like it lots. Thursday 21 Depart Erikoussa 1100 Arrive Othoni 1300 8nm M1 S1 Lazy motor then sail to Orthoni. See red port buoy to guide us in to new harbour, as fairway not shown on charts/pilots. 14.5m euros worth, but many ringbolts missing from pontoon. Scruffy Italians and their friends arrive. They collect sea urchins for supper. Nice gang. Ends up about 30 boats in – one Dutch, all rest Italians, mainly posh motor bs. Their last Greek island before hop W home. See a late arrival (Bavaria40) steaming straight in, come to rattling halt as keel hits underwater rock hard. She stays afloat. Unrollduck on quay and try and find puncture. Shove more glue in at transom join. One tube still deflates quickly. Late afternoon hike inland. Attractive steep wooded hills. Lots to explore another time. Have delayed birthday meal at Locanda, where ate last year to celebrate arriving Greece with Rosemary. V busy with fashionable classy Italians. Many return with bottles of booze. Not sure what`s so cheap and popular. Prefer the feel of Erikoussa – more Greek. |