Lazy day visit majestic Agio Fili beach, move on to Sivota

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Sunday 17 April & Monday 18 April Another day & night in Vas then motor to Sivota 9nm (M2.25) Hot sunny days, cold nights Sunday 17th Brr, down to 10 by dawn. Glue shed holdall together and lip on new galley shelf, fit new joker valve in heads, then play – soak up sun on beautiful beach at Agio Fili – just one other couple with two dogs, and a handful more arrive later. Back on board watch crane driver and two assistants take ages to fit strategic boulders in what could be the end of new marina breakwater. Another crane is moving boulders on what could become new ferry quay. Must be behind as working on a Sunday. Varnish holdall. Only a few tavernas open – season not really started yet. Can spot cracks in pavement caused by November`s earthquake – filled in with new tarmac and replacement patterned bricks. Cold when sun goes dwn behind high mountain ridge on W of bay Monday 18th Warmer night – only down to 14. Cycle to get fresh petrol for portable generator and possibly outboard, tho currently no need for genny as plenty of power from sun via solar cells. Depart for Sivota 1000, arrive 1215.No wind; no shops yet open other than bakery. Sound of several pressure hoses cleaning winter grime from tavern fronts, many house martins again, and cockerels! Much space on quay. Sad to see five derelict boats around the port, all with threadbare red ensigns. Donate unused heavy 3rd power cable and remains of old anchor chain to Simon who arrives to fit glass bowl on primary fuel filter. |