Great sail for penultimate leg W to Sausset-les-Pins

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Tue 14 Oct 2014 07:48
43:19.6N 5:06.5E Tuesday 14 October Plenty of wind and swell for penultimate leg W Depart Porquerolls marina 0530 Arrive Sausset-les-Pins 1700 60nm M2.5 S7.75 Cloudy, grey sky, grey sea. No moon or sun seen. 0450 thunderstorm overhead, so postpone departure. Soon blows thro. Motor out,don`t hoist main yet, head W thro narrow channel between island and mainland. No moonlight. Thank goodness for chartplotter as lights on headlands difficult to make out. Out from lee of island find big swell from SW. Wind from astern. Unfurl genoa. Wind backs. Now reaching on 280degrees. 0800 hoist main with 2 reefs – make5/6knts. Jane provides porridge for breakfast, in a mug. Can hold tiller and mug in one hand, whilst feed with spoon in other. Some gusts whisk porridge off spoon! Round sinister Cape Sicie, with strange (secret?) buildings below. Now need 290degrees, but dead downwind so zigzag inshore towards Cassis, then out beyond islands, and back in again to lay destination. Heavy rainshower off Cassis. Feel cold, first time for 6 months. 1545 – engine back on as wind dies with 5 miles to go. Plenty of swell as enter harbour. Hm helps us berth. Walk ashore. Many surfers out enjoying the waves, after school/work. Marina and surrounds look pretty new, perhaps for those who work in nearby Marseilles. Voyage nearly complete – just one short hop tomorrow. On schedule, so as a treat book hotel in Nice for last night before fly home on Sat. Prepaid Orange data then expires. Don`t bother to top up as nearly there now. Emails can wait. |