Depart 0230 for frisky sail to excellent marina at Machinaggio on NE corner of Corsica

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Wed 8 Oct 2014 21:15
42:44.6N 10:14.4E Wedesday 8 October Very early departure, frisky sail to Macinaggio, super marina right on the NE tip of French Corsica Depart Marina di Campo 0230 Arrive Macinaggio, Corsica 1000, 40nm M0.25 S7.25 SE f4/5 Both of us couldn`t get to sleep as much rolling and wind whistling in rigging. As forecast wind fell off soon after midnight. Waves in bay seem calmer. Decide get up and go, as long as kedge not hooked on ferry`s sternline chains. It wasn`t. Go downwind of harbour mole retrieving kedge, then head back to mole to hoist main in relative calm. Go straight for 2 reefs. Motorsail out of bay tacking with just main, sheeted to windward to help point and drive thro waves which have definitely eased. Full moon up and clouds racing by. As soon as can clear headland to W set reefed genoa, switch off engine and scream along NW coast of Elba on tight fetch to clear next headland. Settled down for fst sail. Jane can head below. Free right off - need to get down to 300degrees, but can`t without collapsing genoa, so stay high. Get freed when several miles to W of Elba. 5 and 6knts, surfing at 7 and 8 when catch rollers. Nice and controlled . Glad put 2 reefs in main in dark at outset. Gets light 0700. Don`t see mountainous Corsica till 10miles off as shrouded in misty clouds. Warm Sirocco must pick up loads of moisture on way from Africa which condenses as rises over coast. As approach big marina (a proper French marina now) see about a dozen yachts leave. Perhaps making a dash before blow sets in. Replace Italian courtesy flag with French tricolour and Corsican Moor. Bit rolly as shallows in approaches beam on, till turn hard to port between entrance lights. Loads of room. Lots of laid lines, but just go alongside long main breakwater, bows to wind, so strain taken by forward spring. Safe here whatever blows. Celebrate with bacon and eggs, and catchup sleep. Good shower. Jane`s headache gone, and only 19.80euros a night. Diesel is cheaper too 15 euros for 10ltrs (was 20euros in Italy). And the sm has recognisable products, and tasty bread. So nice to be back in France. Tho not so happy when try local Corsican beer – Colomb and Pietra. One came with a slice of lemon and long teaspoon. Oh for some Mythos, or Bass! |