Just 3 miles South to Port Kalamos

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Mon 7 Oct 2013 05:12
38:37.3N 20:55.9E
7 October Windy night and morning, eases so cast off and motor sail around
N tip of Nisos Kalamos to Port Kalamos, small village that serves as island
capital on E side
Depart Mitika 1230
Arrive Kalamos 1330 3nm
High grey clouds, spitting warm rain f2/3 E, SE, SW – all over the
Squally night and morning Glad on lee side of solid pontoon. Coffee and
forecasts ashore. Meteo Gr suggesting f4/5 till late afternoon, poseidon shows
less wind. About to set off for walk but feel wind has eased and it will last,
so cast off for the short hop to lovely Kalamos. Motorsail under genoa. Too much
bother to raise main for such short distance. Aroma from bright green pine trees
as round N tip of Kalamos. George is waiting at end of harbour wall (in bright
yellow oilskin) to welcome and guide us to berth inboard of 4 other yachts
already in. Last time here it was v stormy (and wet) and packed. Longish walk
ashore along road virtually to N tip of island thro winterised village and then
silent aromatic pine forest. Spitting warm rain, but no need to don light
waterproof as mild. Lazy afternoon. Frenchie to port (and upwind) chain smoking.
Frequent George’s Taverna for beer and special treat chips. Wasps have been
grounded, and not any mozzis about either Taverna gradually fills with crews
from other yachts that have arrived. Many Sunsail. Mainly palefaces (flown in at
weekend) well wrapped up - trousers, jackets and some scarves. Gets dark 1930
now, and light 0730. Poseidon still giving cloud for rest of forecast period,
but not much wind. Big system blowing down Aegean, curling round Peloponnese and
up between Italy and Ionian. We`re calm in the centre, but all the high pressure
cloud will linger. Such a contrast with two days ago when dress code was bikini
for Jane and shorts for skip, and skip suffered an unexpected sunburnt face. Not
sure if there will be another swim, or black bag shower.