Five miles south to smaller island of Kastos

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Tue 8 Oct 2013 05:35
38:34.1N 20:547E
8 October force 4 on the nose, but decide to press on to the next island of
Kastos, before long sail to Mesolonghi for winter layup, probably tomorrow
Depart Kalamos 1130
Arrive Kastos 1300 5nm
High grey clouds allowing some warmth thro. SEf4, easing to f3/2
No rush as nearly f5 first thing. More than forecast. Most others leave and
head further afield. Decide to try Kastos. Can always come back to Kalamos if
uncomfortable. Two reefs in main and well rolled genny to sail as slow progress
just under motor against wind and short lop - just lay N tip of Kastos, then
bear away – and wind dies! Motor sail down E coast of Kastos and moor bows to
quay well in Kastos harbour. No help with lines for bowgirl, as we are the first
in. Lots of anchor warp as holding not great here. Have about 4m left when get
to quay. Kedge drags as tension up, then digs in. Winter project is to practice
splicing 8 strand anchorplat, and add 15m next spring. V quiet ashore. Last
ashore when visited for Jane’s 50th birthday – some years ago now! Wasps about
again. Three other boats come in. Two with Swiss, and lots of young kids. Other
Brits with a Nisos bareboat. They arrived at weekend, and haven’t seen the sun
yet. Rib arrives with 5 men – to mend flashing beacon on gantry at end of
harbour wall. They leave; it is still not flashing. Walk ashore. Again, all
properties and the one minimarket closed and winterised. Find strange paved
path, and steps – leading ???? Similarly paved path in neighbouring island of
Kalamos when there with Julie some weeks back. Think the islands must have had a
grant or something to fund labour and impressive materials. Large yacht to port
has dragged (away from us)and put out kedge as extra bow anchor. Brits to stbd
put out miles of chain and don’t have an issue. Find Windmill restaurant for
early evening beer and wifi. Mainland grey and dimsey – not the view for
celebratory meal on last visit! Get chatting to 3 Brits here to install PV cells
and batteries for large new holiday home on N of Island. Cheaper than getting a
mains supply. Some new sort of batteries being used that would run all the
electrical equipment (if all turned on together) for 10 hours, and will recharge
if go flat. Not sure how they would work this week as not seen sun for 3 days
and forecast says won’t be seen for a few more days too.