Vias to Grau d`Agde, back to salt water, Jan arrives and mast stepped

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Fri 7 Jun 2013 14:33
43.17.0N 3.26.7E
7 June - Exit canal via the round lock, lots of hanging around waiting for
“Henri”, Jan arrives and busy evening with rigging
Depart Vias 0845
Arrive Grau d`Adge 1200, just as the yard has closed for lunch (1200 to
1400) 4 miles , 1 lock
Sunny and hot, again
Blast, got to the Round Lock which either goes straight tho to continue the
Canal du Midi to Etang de Thau (and Sete), or turn right for l`Herault river and
mast stepping yard BUT they only open the turn right lock at certain times –
just missed the last one (0900) so have to wait till 1115. No problem, the sun
is out and lots to do to get the mast ready. Get genny foil reconnected,
sticking out the front again. Turn right with one other boat -hire boats are not
allowed this way (as they could escape to the sea!). Arrive yard (Chantier Naval
Allemand) below the 12 m air clearance bridge (we need 13m for the mast plus 1.5
to the deck), but all closed for lunch. Glad did recky yesterday. Moor up to get
lights and windex back on top of mast, get all unlashed ready for the lift, and
wait, and wait... Jane gets grumpy as all this hanging around. Jan arrives with
additional tbags (and brompton tyre). Henri appears and judges pivot point (spot
on)with crane, and up she goes. Forestay and two shrouds attached, and all is
done. Attach and put some tension in mids and lowers, then Henri shins up mast
to detach the lift sling. All done in 15mins. Charge 30 euros, including use of
shower and loo (v basic but both fully functional). A bargain. Next time must
make sure Henri is not on holiday! Busy late afternoon/evening fitting electrics
(radar, lights, vhf), tighten rigging, fit all halyards, hoist genny. Get asked
to move as big m boat arriving for craning out, so down to the town pontoon,
moor bows to and christen the bowsprit for gettin on/off. All 3 of us nackered,
enjoy a Jane special and straight to bed.