Due East 8 miles to uninspiring Mitikas, on mainland

chrisandjane aboard Liveloula
Chris Cooke
Sun 6 Oct 2013 17:15
28:40.1N 20:56.9E
6 October Not yet raining, so lets move on and try a new port
Depart Vathi 0900
Arrive Mitikas 121514nm
Grey sky, grey mountains, grey sea ends up Ef2to5 funnelling through strait
between N end of Kalamos and mainland
Not yet raining. Get a loaf and cast off. Neighbours have “marina fever”.
See lots of wind ahead from S as exit lee of Nisos Meganisi. Delay breakfast
(bread n jam) to stick in 2 reefs and roll up genny before hit wind. Good
decision. Slightly under canvassed as reach across due E 4 and 5 knts. Goose
pimples appear. Jane is below. Need fleece and heavy sailing jacket. Wind heads
90degrees so dead beat towards and thro strait between the N end of Nisos
Kalamos and the mainland.Steep mountains to port (572m rising to 1589 a few
miles inland) and 764m on Kalmos to stbd. No wonder wind squally and due E.
Fortunately not strong NE wind as Greek pilot warns “ATTENTION Dangerous gusts
sweep through the strait with strong NW winds. This is one of the four places in
the wider area where, when sailing, your sails may be torn, if you do not take
sufficient care”. Not sure where the other 3 places are – must find out. Anyway,
don lifejacket but actually calm seas as no fetch and easy to see squalls
approaching to luff and reduce impact. Motor into small harbour at Mitikas. Two
yachts already stern to. To go between would mean down wind approach relying on
kedge for brake, as no bite from folding prop in reverse, so decide to go
alongside on lee of pontoon. Get a scratch on bow as gust whips bows off to port
whilst turning and nudge end of pontoon. Drift off, creep dead upwind to
pontoon so Jane can jump from bowsprit and spring in slowly. Friendly Greek
helps take lines. Stroll ashore. Many rooms to let, but all closed for winter.
Many tavernas too. None open, but still have tables and chairs outside. Perhaps
open when weather better. Like a ghost town now, though it is Sunday afternoon.
Explore pebble beach to E of harbour. Note FW showers. Could anchor off and
utilise another (hot and sunny) day Only life is small ferry arriving and
leaving frequently for Kalamos. Probably weekend changeover day. Back to D`fly
as some light rain goes thro. Down below afternoon. Not much juice from PV
cells, but windi doing good work up to 3 amps in gusts. Kindle tells us Chiefs
won away at Gloucester 12-29. Will head ashore to find open taverna and
wifi. Need forecast. Grey clouds still v high. Pressure remaining v high too - 1024.