Ready to move on. 24:45.7S, 152:23.17E
Serenity of Swanwick
Phil and Sarah Tadd
Tue 20 Jun 2023 08:50
On the 8th May we made our way up to Scarborough Marina where we could pick up the last sheets of plywood needed for the headlinings, restock with food and wait out another blow. Sarah needed to fly home for family reasons so she flew from Brisbane and Phil found a crew member online to move Serenity the 180 miles to Bundaberg. This was to put us in a better position to move on north.
Sarah’s returned on Friday, 16th June and we left today, Tuesday to start working our way up to Thursday Island from where we will depart Australia and head for Indonesia. We realised how big Australia is when looking at a map we saw that Bundaberg is about half way from Hobart to Thursday Island so we have a few miles to cover.
While in Bundaberg Phil finished a number of outstanding jobs, stocked the boat with essentials like oil and filters and topped up our first aid kit with prescription meds. We also ordered malaria test kits and electronic charts from the UK, which Sarah brought back with her.
We now look forward to visiting the Great Barrier Reef, The Whitsundays and the Torres Strait’s islands, but not in as much depth as we originally hoped.