Our arrival in Spain and some pictures

Serenity of Swanwick
Phil and Sarah Tadd
Tue 25 Aug 2015 10:50
We made our landfall in Spain in Viveiro, 43:40.93.N, 7:36.16W. Following our last post on Friday the 21st, the winds fell light and we had to motor for more than 24 hours as , despite some very grey looking clouds to the west on Friday evening we found ourselves in a complete calm. The wind finally began to pick up again with about 100 miles to go, and we were able to point directly to A Coruna, but during Saturday night the wind increased and on Sunday we decided it would take too long heading into the wind and sea to get to A Coruna, so we turned east and had a fast sail along the coast to Viveiro. The marina here is at the head of the very pretty Ria of the same name as the town, and just a short walk from the main street. The old part of the town is all narrow streets, with restaurant tables stopping delivery lorries getting through. Serenity sailing across Biscay Phil updates the Almanac Sent from Windows Mail |