Leaving Viani Bay

Saturday evening we ate ashore at Dive Academy, their very small restaurant seated six of us for a three course meal. Sushimi tuna starter, tuna steak with breadfruit and pak choy main and home made ice cream desert (with veggie option
for Sarah). It rained, and did it ever rain. We wore full walking waterproofs for the short dinghy ride ashore and back and we were soaked. I can safely say that we both need new jackets. If we had been on board we could probably have filled our water tanks but as it was we caught 10 litres and then the can overflowed. Around midnight the expected strong winds arrived, as our anchor held we knew that somewhere on the sea
bed it had to be wrapped or hooked on coral. There are a few sandy patches that we try to find when anchoring but anything over 15m and you can’t see the bottom. Lifting the anchor to move on Monday and we saw what we had hooked. First a piece of dead coral
trapped on the chain and then eventually we lifted a large boulder to the surface. Coral caught on the chain Sent from Mail for Windows 10 |