English and Falmouth Harbours

Serenity of Swanwick
Phil and Sarah Tadd
Fri 26 Feb 2016 01:20
We spent until Monday anchored in Freemans Bay but it became very uncomfortable with the swell that came in rolling the boat and making sleep difficult so we moved the couple of miles to Catamaran Marina, in Falmouth Harbour, for a couple of nights. This allowed us to top up with water and charge the batteries, but turned out not to have showers, the first marina we have stayed in where this was the case. However the best supermarket in the area was close by (owned by the same family as the marina) and a woman collected laundry from the boat (same family again!). Unfortunately the marina was no more comfortable than the anchorage so we have now had two nights on a mooring in the middle of Falmouth Harbour for our first quiet nights in a while. We have been for one good walk while we have been here, around the coast from Nelsons Dockyard to Pigeon Beach and continued to complete the circle back to Nelsons Dockyard. It was not a particularly long walk but one that gives views out to Montserrat and over Falmouth Bay. The path is maintained by members of the Royal Navy Tot Club of Antigua and Barbuda (a bunch of ex-Naval men who meet weekly to drink rum). Then in the afternoon Barney, a friend from the early 80’s, picked us up and we spent the afternoon at their lovely house with him and Fiona their family and friends. It was so lovely to see them after about 30 years. Monday was the start of the Caribbean 600 yacht race and we watched that from the cliffs above Freemans Bay, a really good position looking straight out along the start line. A variety yachts including a three-masted schooner and racing yachts large and not so large. We were going to go to Jolly Harbour yesterday but Sarah’s 2nd cousin James, with Vikki, Rocco and Vikki’s parents are on Antigua and were visiting Nelsons Dockyard so we felt that we couldn't miss the opportunity to see them. Jolly Harbour will wait. Sent from Windows Mail |