Koro 17:16.5S, 179:21.6E

Yesterday afternoon we got confirmation that our visa extensions were approved so just before the office closed Phil went ashore and had the passports stamped. This means that we have until 2 December to leave, we have no intention of waiting
here that long but we will almost certainly go past the original date of 2 Oct. We’ve become quite partial to coconut milk, and saw these graters in use in Fulaga, so when we saw one in Savusavu we had to buy it.
At the weekend the whole family were out on it. In the background is the regular ferry/supply ship Today we were up early and away from the mooring at 06:00, we headed down to Koro Island a mere 30 miles but with no wind we had to motor all the way. We phoned Sala at Dere Resort to check that a mooring was available and that’s where
we are now. The resort has a few ‘Bures’ (accommodation huts), a pool and a bar/restaurant, up the hillside behind are plots developed by expats who have settled here or just keep them as winter homes. We met one guy from Alaska who spends his time moving
around between here, Mexico and Alaska following the good weather! A couple of years ago the whole site, resort and 24 development plots was up for sale for Fj$2.5m, about £820,000, I can’t imagine it is making enough to pay the staff. This island was badly
hit by cyclone Winston in 2016, category 5, and hardly any property was left undamaged. The resort has been rebuilt and we hear that most of the schools and housing in the villages have been rebuilt. Just 3 Bures at Dere Bay resort, and no guests this week The jetty at the resort was said to be the longest in Fiji, but after Winston it was rebuilt shorter. Serenity in solitary splendour in the bay |