Fulanga 19:08.9S,178:33.96W

Serenity of Swanwick
Phil and Sarah Tadd
Sat 10 Aug 2019 06:57
We left Vanua Balavu on Friday morning by the Tongan Pass, at the southern end of the lagoon, at the same time as three of the yachts that had been anchored at Susui with us. The wind did not have as much north in it as promised but Serenity sailed nicely and at about 60 degrees to the wind we made our course at the 5 knots we needed to get to the pass into Fulanga at the right state of tide. We sailed until midnight when the wind died and then motored for the rest of the night keeping an eye on the other yachts, which were still around us. By 0800 we were within sight of Fulanga with time in hand so we had a gentle sail the last 8 miles. We were a couple of miles off the pass when we had a radio call from Double Trouble to say they were safely through so we dropped the sails and followed them in. The pass in was amazing: relatively narrow and with crystal clear water so you could see every rock you were going over. Fulanga is the ultimate destination for cruising yachts in Fiji. The lagoon is surrounded by a horseshoe of land and has white sand beaches and mushroom islets everywhere: truly beautiful, but it doesn’t have internet so pictures will follow.

We have been to the Chief village of Monacake, done our sevu sevu and been allocated to our host family: the kindergarten teacher and her husband. As tomorrow is Sunday we will have to don our best sulus again to go to church followed by lunch with Mary and John. Tonight we are anchored in 7 metres in a sandy bay with a gentle breeze no wind - our most peaceful anchorage for some time.