Round Finisterre to Ria de Muros
Serenity of Swanwick
Phil and Sarah Tadd
Thu 3 Sep 2015 17:56
The wind was forecast to ease on Thursday, so we left Muros at 0800 (high water), in company with Windwalker (British) and Johanna (Danish). We had a fantastic downwind run past Cabo Fisterra with a single reef in the main and the genoa. The wind was NE 4-5 most of the day, but when we turned to come into Ria de Muros it was blowing straight out of the Ria so we went down to two reefs in both sails and had great fun beating up to Muros. We got into Muros Marina at 1530 and were made very welcome by the helpful marina staff. Muros was bigger than we expected with lots of interesting back streets, and Phil’s favourite shop, the Ferreteria (a hardware shop, nothing to do with Ferrets!) Sent from Windows Mail |