In the yard 17:00.47N 61:45.78W

Serenity of Swanwick
Phil and Sarah Tadd
Fri 17 Jun 2016 01:22
Well we moved up here to Antigua Slipway ,Nelsons original dockyard in English Harbour, on Friday and Sarah serviced the engine ready for laying up. Engine oil and filter, gearbox oil, two fuel filters and bleed the system. We tried to pump fresh water through the cooling system but not much seemed to go through so Phil spent a day changing the water pump. These jobs are never simple. The sails were washed and removed, and the heads and holding tank serviced and cleaned. On Wednesday we were hauled out on an adjustable trailer. As we settled on the trailer we were carefully lined up and adjusted to ensure we would be supported and would come out straight. The guy doing this work would make a small adjustment then put his goggles on and check underwater and make more adjustments repeating the process until he was happy. We are now working our way through the boat cleaning and stowing ready for her to be left for three months. The Genoa is at the sailmakers for minor repairs and we need to replace one seacock. I'm sure that we will find more over the next week but not bad so far for a year and a half since she was last out of the water, we have been living on board now for just over a year and sailed about 6000 miles. While she is out here we hope to replace the fridge and get some supports made for the solar panels. Sent from Windows Mail |