Spanish Rias

Serenity of Swanwick
Phil and Sarah Tadd
Mon 7 Sep 2015 18:45
We spent two nights anchored off a lovely beach in Ria de Pontevedra, bit of wind the first night then calm with sunshine. Knowing that the weather was going quiet for a while we decided that we could best spend our time doing jobs on the boat and having short day sails. Sarah sanded some pieces of wood ready for varnishing, These are to be fitted to the book shelves and floor boards to enable us to secure the contents. at present we have cans of Diesel and containers of bilge cleaner, detergent and bleach under the boards, not what you want flying around in rough weather! We have had an annoying leaks from a couple of windows, one above the pilot berth and one over the chart table, so I took one of these out stripped it down and with Sarah’s help rebuilt it and sealed it into its frame and then refitted the frame into the hull. We will hose test it tomorrow. This afternoon we left Pontevedra and sailed/motored round into Ria De Vigo all of 12 miles. At present we are anchored off a beach with lovely white sand just across the Ria from Baiona, tomorrow we will move to a small marina at Cangas from which we can go to Vigo by ferry if we need to. Looking forward now to moving on to Portugal when the wind comes back. Sent from Windows Mail |