Kurang Kaledupa

Steve & Trish Brown
Thu 11 Aug 2011 06:02
It is always a little surreal anchoring seemingly in the middle of the ocean, but
in reality protected by large surrounding reefs. Here in the lagoon at Kurang
Kaledupa we have depths of over 100 metres and shoals that rise to just below
the surface. The whole lagoon was once an island purtruding hundreds of metres
above sea level but has now sunk beneath the waves leaving only the fringing
reef continually raised by the action of billions of tiny coral polyps.  In places this
fringing reef is now over three hundres metres wide and flat topped with some
types of coral able to withstand the changes in light and temperature with the rise
and fall of the daily tides. The local fishermen have made the most of this and
have built temporary fishing platforms raised on stilts above the coral.
After a few days snorkelling and diving inside and outside of the reef we have
moved on to an anchoage off the tiny village of Wahe on the island of Tomea.
We had some great conditions for the sixteen mile sail north.
En route we passed one of the local inter island passenger/supply boats
working it's way along the edge of the reef systems.