It's been a long time!

Steve & Trish Brown
Fri 28 Jan 2011 05:03


Trish and I had been looking forward to meeting up with Tricia’s cousin Peter, his wife Pam and kids Chloe and Andrew.

Pete and Pam had settled here over 20 years ago and we had not seen them for over 28 years as Pete and Pam had travelled to many parts of the world with his job in IT.

It was great to catch up again and there was much to talk about after so long .

We took the opportunity to take a few days sailing around the islands of the Hauraki Gulf and despite the mixed weather everyone seemed to have a good time.


NZ - Sailing trip - Pete 38.JPG


NZ - Sailing trip - Pam & Chloe 39.JPG


NZ - Sailing trip - Andrew 09.JPG

 In addition to their own two kids he had brought along their godson SAM.

NZ - Sailing trip - Sam 12.JPG

With strong winds and torrential rain forecast for the next few days we headed off to their home in New Plymouth on the west coast of north island and took time out

to explore the area and many of the attractions in the area. The town has a nice laid back feel with good facilities, schooling, bars and restaurants and is surrounded by

beautiful countryside

NZ - New Plymouth 70.JPG


NZ - New Plymouth 20.JPG

                                                                                                        MOUNT TARANAKI

NZ - New Plymouth - Mount Taranaki 44.JPG