Steve & Trish Brown
Sun 11 Apr 2010 18:09
On our travels through French Polynesia we have
been fascinated by the various stone carved statues known as Tiki,
some of them are decorative and there
are small ones carved in bone on sale everywhere.
But there are tales of some of the "live" ones
that don't like to be moved from their original site,
causing bad luck to anyone
who dares!
Two Tiki originals in Taiohae Bay
Original ceremonial carved
A modern Tiki
An even more modern
This ancient carving is of a double
hulled Polynesian canoe
complete with rowers
We found a carved copy in a small
museum created by Rose
an American
lady who has lived
in Nuka
Hiva since the 1970's
Me'ae Menaha Taka'oa on Ua Pou is a sacred site
that is dedicated
to the memory of
Atua Heato, a
19th century chief, who on his death,
was elevated to the status of a god.
Apparently he was unusual in that he wasn't
tattooed. We're not sure if this is Atua