Back to South island
Curious is safely tucked up in Opua Marina, Trish is back in the UK catching up with family and friends and having my share of cuddles with our grand daughter Anwen as well as all of her own and I have headed back to South Island to walk and climb in Aspiring National park. The flight from Kerikeri in the Bay of Islands could not have been better with clear blue skies giving excellent views of both the Pacific and Tasman coasts, tantalising views of the great cruising to be had in the Marlborough Sounds and the snow capped peaks of the northern ranges on South Island. In the few short weeks since we were last here, autumn has set in and the peaks along the great divide in the Southern Alps are all snow capped, the trees show off their autumn colours in the late afternoon and early morning light and early starts are rewarded with some beautiful contrasts of light and shade in the heavily ridged mountains of Central Otago. Lake Wanaka seen from the top of Roy’s peak After a great days training hike up Roys Peak above Wanaka and with a favorable weather forecast for the next few days we have made preparations for a 4 to 5 day trip into the Aspiring range........ Below is the view of Mt Aspiring in the late afternoon sunlight |