Rabat to Isla Graciosa - Canary islands
29:13.8N 13:30.2W Having left Rabat a couple of days later than
planned we
missed the best of the predicted winds for our trip down to the
Canaries. The
result being that with light tail winds we had to motor sail more than
we would
have liked. The Atlantic swell made for a rolly passage but we made
time completing the 445nm trip in around 54 hours. We were again privileged to have the company of
For the first time they came to play at night at it was amazing to see
phosphorescence trails as they approached at great speed and then
played in the
bow waves. Incredible! This little fellow was being chased by a very
gull type bird who saw the tiny bird as a quick meal. The gull flew
around the
boat for some time before he finally gave up and flew off. |