The best cuddlers in the world

Steve & Trish Brown
Wed 13 Jan 2010 16:24

Friends from “Calypso” Maureen and Paul took us to meet some friends

of theirs.  An American couple Roger and Binnie

who have the privilege of taking care of a group of four Sloths.  We met their Three Toed Sloths Dooger and Pippin and

Lightening one of their Two Toed Sloths, she lives in their air-conditioned bedroom, has her own teddy bear and sleeps,

if not on her own feather pillow, then on their bed. Great life!

Sloths belong to an unusual family group that include Anteaters and Armadillos.  In the wild they usually spend their

time hanging from tree branches and move to another tree every few days just for a change.  They have four arms

that provide a great cuddle and no facial _expression_ muscles, but they seem to smile anyway!

Their natural enemies are the Boa Constrictor and obviously anything that can climb, but as with a lot of species Man

is the biggest threat.  Sloths have a very particular diet of local leaves and any change to their environment can have

catastrophic consequences.


Trish making friends with Pippin.

If there is such a thing as reincarnation - Trish is proposing to come back as a Three Toed Sloth!


And Dooger is obviously delighted to make Steve’s acquaintance.


Pippin having a cuddle with Diego, one of the local children.

Roger and Binnie take Dooger and Pippin to the local restaurant at least once a week and use the interest generated

 to educate locals about Sloths and the need to protect them in the wild.