Sloths Revisited

Steve & Trish Brown
Thu 14 Jan 2010 21:50

We were lucky enough to revisit Roger and Binnie and their beautiful Sloths, while there we watched an amazing

video made by the Sloth Sanctuary in Costa Rica.

                                                  Trish & Dooger


                         Roger with Lightening the Two Toed Sloth

The Sloths in this area can only survive if the Secropia Tree has grown here, there have been attempts to relocate

local Three Toes Sloths to other regions but, unfortunately, they have only lived for a short time due to the fact that

they don’t get the same nutrients from the soil and therefore become malnourished.

                                                2010_0106Maureen & Dooger.JPG

                                               Maureen with  Dooger who also enjoys  fruit, Pippin sticks to Secropia leaves


They are fabulous climbers,  great swimmers and marathon sleepers – between 18 and 20 hours a day.  

What a wonderful experience!