Stevie's Left Foot

Steve & Trish Brown
Mon 29 Nov 2010 05:50

Avid followers of the long running soap opera “Stevie’s left Foot” will be saddened to learn that the show is to come to an end.


Following an early morning helicopter flight over the beautiful Bay of Islands, and a visit to his faith healer, Dr Kelly Vince, the shows star

“Stevie’s Left Foot” has decided that there is more to life than being propped up in the air and pampered by adoring fans and now wants to return to a wandering lifestyle.

Supported by “Terje (the Mad Viking) Lokken”, the shows producers had considered injuring “Stevie’s Right Foot” in an attempt to continue to receive the numerous offers of help, free transport,

visits to the cinema and invitations to dinner but were denied access by the management team of both Stevie’s Left and Right Feet!

Fans will be cheered by the news that (in true Harry Potter fashion) the finale will be covered in 3 parts.......

Episode 1 – Auckland...the removal of the stitches....

Episode 2 – London Heathrow.... Stevie’s left Foot is re-united with ALL of Tricia!

Episode 3 – It’s a miracle he can walk!!!!!!!!!!!!! Screening date to be arranged.

The shows producers are in negotiations with Stevie’s Left Foot to make an Autumn Special......”Whangerai General Hospital...The return of the Crutches”

The shows star “Stevie’s left Foot” now has his sights set on a new project “who said he won’t be skiing by Xmas” this space.