Sabang arrival

Michael Hughes and Ger White
Wed 26 Mar 2014 02:16
We arrived in Sabang, Sumatra yesterday at about 0730. A good crossing, thou=
gh very rolly. We set the genoa just outside the bay at Koh Racha and rolled=
it back in as we approached Sabang Harbour. Deep anchorage--over 20m--but s=
ecure. Quarantine and harbourmaster hailed us on VHF for a lift out to the b=
oat to clear us in. We then went ashore to deal with Customs & Immigration. A=
ll very friendly---but very time consuming.
We crossed under a poled out genoa, wind behind and port tack. Most of the t=
ime we were well reeled to slow us down for a dawn arrival.
Only one big problem--a rupture in one of the pressured water hoses for the w=
atermaker on the second day. Fixed it immediately on arrival as I have some s=
pare, but I now want to source some new hose in case of more such problems--=
getting the right quality here may be hard!
The place is very simple and cheap--though Aceh is very Muslim and the resta=
urant didn't even serve beer.
We plan to spend a few days here and off nearby Rubiah island, where the swi=
mming and snorkelling/diving is reputed to be world class. Certainly the wat=
er even in the harbour is remarkably clean and clear---far more so than wher=
e we came from!
All well.