Over half way

Michael Hughes and Ger White
Mon 25 Jul 2011 02:26
We've covered well over half way at noon today--Monday--with around 200 miles to go. Wind is quite variable in strength and direction--overnight it dropped at time to 7 knots and averaged less than 10 knots--but it perked up with the sunrise and we're now bowlingt along at 7 knots in 15 knots of wind, wing on wing.
Wind has been broadly speaking behind us, but varying by 30 degrees which necessitated a few gybes overnight and sometimes wing on wing, sometimes not.  Kept us on our toes, but we've kept sailing and no resort to engine over the last 24 hours.
ETA Kupang is still early Wednesday--though if the wind stayed as now we'd scrape in before dark tomorrow. But I don't think wind will hold overnight, so we'll end up holding offshore until daybreak to gain the coast--too many stories of bad charts, ynlit fishing boats, drifting nets, floating fish cages neither marked nor lit--night entry would not be prudent methinks!!
All well on board and enjoying the passage.