Trinidad--the end of a year's cruising

Michael Hughes and Ger White
Sun 18 May 2008 22:15
We stayed in Grenada for over 2 weeks--initially
moored in the lagoon in St. George's, then moved round to anchor in True
Blue Bay, a very attractive anchorage--then round to the anchorage off Hog
Island for a few days--including the traditional Sunday party on the island--and
finally to the new Phare Bleu marina, where we hired a car for about a week
and toured much of the island. Very relaxing and enjoyable
One highlight was a turtle watch--in the dark of
evening on a remote beach, watching turtles coming out of the sea to lay their
eggs on the beach--when we arrived we watched an enormous leatherback turtle
covering up the eggs she had just laid--and then heading back to the sea. Then
watched another actually laying eggs--around 100 of them--in the big hole she
had dug in the sand.
Also went to Gouyave for "fish Friday"--streets
closed off for vendors stalls cooking fish/ steel bands
etc. Phare Bleu a very friendly marina with enthusiastic
staff and 2 excellent restaurants.
But it was time to move on--the final leg to
Trinidad. We sailed late on 13th for an overnight sail to Trinidad. A good beam
reach almost all the way, with winds around 15/17 knots lessening a bit as we
closed Trinidad. A bit rolly, so not a lot of sleep--but a fast uneventful
passage averaging around 7 knots.
We passed between mainland Trinidad and Monos
Island around 0700 and were moored up at the customs dock in Chaguaramas Bay by
0745--cup of tea before visiting immigration and customs--they charge overtime
before 0800!
After clearing in, it has been all work--bit of a
shock really--refuelling, cleaning up the boat, taking sails etc off, storing
and clearing. Simanderal was hauled out on 16th and is now sitting on the
hard--first time out of water since Lanzarotte--which seems a lifetime ago!
So over the next couple of weeks we'll be working on the boat, but
hopefully also some time to see Trinidad which is a lovely island marred by
concerns about security. We plan to hire a car so we can get around a
bit--swapping keels for wheels.
We'll be back in the UK on 1