Portland Roads

Michael Hughes and Ger White
Tue 14 Jun 2011 09:55
We left Lizard Island on Saturday, having enjoyed a
couple of days bush walking on the island and generally doing very
Perhaps resting in preparation for some long
sailing days----a 55 mile passage to Ninian Bay on the 11th: a 35 mile passage
from there to Flinders Island on 12th: a 60 mile passage to Morris Island on the
13th and today, 14th, another 60 mile passage to Portland Roads--contending with
some fickle winds until today, when we had a lovely steady south south easterly
giving us 50 miles with main out to starboard on a preventer and genoa poled out
to port--running at 7 knots.
Not much to report on the anchorages--we've been
dropping the hook well after 1600 with only an hour of light left--and
somehow the idea of a cold beer has seemed preferable to launching the
dinghy! But they've been good to look at! Seen dolphins--but no
crocs yet, though they were said to be around on