Events, dear boy

Michael Hughes and Ger White
Tue 10 Aug 2010 23:35
Well 380 miles in the first 48 hours ain't bad--the
wind still blowing strongly up the chuff--still big seas, but down on yesterday
and will continue to reduce. And forecast suggests we'll be pretty much becalmed
by Friday--winds under 10 knots and calmish sea.
But as ever there's a lot to keep us interested.
Events, dear boy, events!! This morning the cringle on the genoa clew came
away--a major tear--so we brought down the genoa--flailing like mad in 25 knots
of wind--and managed to get it tied down successfully. So we're now sailing
under main alone--reefed--and may be for the rest of the trip. I'll have a go at
sewing in the cringle, but the webbing needed and reinforced cloth may be too
much for my needle and palm to sort. Decided to have a rest and breakfast before
I have a go.
This has slowed our progress down somewhat--I
reckon we're averaging around 6.5 knots rather than nearly 8 to date. But, hey,
the sun's come out, we've lots of good food and water on board, and if our
passage takes an extra day--enjoy it! Might even try some fishing!! Only 780
miles to go.
Absence of the genoa may be more frustrating when
the wind dies down--though if the forecast is right , we still have the cruising
chute. Thought about the storm jib, but this is no storm and the jib is so tiny
as to make no difference.
We knew the genoa was on its last legs--I have
already ordered a new one for delivery in Oz--but I had hoped it would see us
there--the only real surprise is that it's the clew that gave!
Otherwise all is well--must go for