Tahaa and Huahine

Michael Hughes and Ger White
Thu 3 Jun 2010 05:30
We left the Apooiti marina on Raiatea on 25th May, a short sail within the lagoon to the island of Tahaa, anchoring off a small island with amazing corals for snorkelling--very peaceful, so we stayed 3 days before sailing round the north of Tahaa and down the East coast--visiting a pearl farm and a vanilla plantation en route--and anchoring just inside the coral reef--so lots of wind, but no waves--again very peaceful. Then on 29th May we sailed round to Taravana Yacht Club--really just a restaurant--picked up one of their moorings--lots of Rally boats there, so a big dinner party ashore that evening.
But we like the peace, so next day we headed back to Apooiti marina to pick up our repaired genoa, and off to the island of Huahine. This was a 30 mile sail against wind and current--not too pleasant--almost forgotten what it's like beating to windward rather than downwind in the trades.
But wothwhile making the trip back--it's a lovely island and we're anchored in a fine, sandy bay--well sheltered, quiet, long stretch of beach with palms and forest backdrop--and pretty isolated apart from a v. good restaurant ashore--ate their last night, and today hired bikes from them and cycled 30 km. round the southern half of the island.
Would love to stay here a lot longer, but will have to go to the town anchorage tomorrow to provision for the next stage of voyage--a stopover on Bora Bora, but then on 7th or 8th we start our passage to the Cook islands and on to Tonga.
We'll be sad to leave French Polynesia--Marquesas, Tuamotus and Society islands--all different but all stunningly beautiful--and we'll also miss the baguettes and croissants!