Kuala Terengganu

Michael Hughes and Ger White
Wed 13 Jun 2012 01:22
We arrived at the marina in Kuala Terengganu
yesterday, having left Tioman about a week ago, spending the week anchored off
islands en route.
Having left Tioman mid-afternoon, we did an
overnighjt sail to Pulau Tenggol--one of the islands furthest offshore some 120
miles north of Tioman. A nice easy sail in modest winds, with a couple of hours
of engine in the early evening when the wind died to under 4 knots--it then came
up on the other tack having backed through 90 degrees
Pulau Tenggol--about 35 miles offshore--.is a deep
bay anchorage--we anchored in 18 metrs, but still came close to shallow coral at
times as the wind circulated. Not a lot ashore, but some nice snorkelling on
both sides of the bay--interesting corals, a turtle etc. We spent 2 nights
Then off on a 35 mile sail to Pulau Kapas---quite a
contrast as to anchorage--shallow--we picked up a mooring in 4 metres--very
heavy chain & well weighted and secure. And a calm anchorage over sand,
unlike Tenggol which was quite rolly at times. Kapas is lovely--we stayed 3
days--anchorage is between 2 islands--a nice resort on one--we had lunch there
one day---and lots of beaches and walks--and beach bars--on the other. Quiet,
but wioth some life to it. We could have stayed longer!! The snorkelling
was the best we've seen since the Pacific---lots of nice coral and many,
many reef fish etc. And very little current. A holiday here would beat Langkawi
into a cocked hat!! Much cleaner water this side of Malaysia.
So after a week enjoying the quiet life of the
islands, we're now back to the "city"---in this case the state capital of
Haven't left the marina yet--but we'll spend the
rest of today in town.