Flea Market & Kiting @ Isla Elefante (deu/eng) [pics] 24.-26.2.2012

Sun 26 Feb 2012 14:00

9:32.1762N 78:53.7357W
Flea Market & Kiting @ Isla Elefante (Naguarchirdup)

LemmonCays, San Blas, Panama
24. February 2012


Deutsche Version weiter unten (German version further below)


Isla Elefante is the first place in the San Blas that offers an internet café, and as far as I know also the only one! They had just opened it when we were here 2 years ago and we had had lots of fun at the bar and dancing one night. A German cruiser, his Venzolanian wife and there Rottweiler dog are permanently installed in this anchorage and were helping the Kunas to set everything up, including a generator, watermaker, diesel service and a shuttle service with motorboat and car to Panama City.

For Saturday, they had planned a flea market and we thought it might be nice to catch up and get rid of a few things.

We motored the 2 miles over there and found ourselves with another easily 30 boats!

Even though the bar had happy hour Friday night, most cruisers stayed aboard in the dark and so we only stayed for a couple of drinks.


Turned out to be very good this way, as the following day, wind was blowing nicely and Michael found us a good spot to blow up the kites. And turned out to be my most successful kiting practice ever! First time that I spent more time on the board than in the water, absolutely thrilling!

We just made it in time for a quick lunch at the boat before the flea market started in the early afternoon.

Unfortunately, nobody wanted our lovely Cuban cigars, but nice meeting some other cruisers and chatting. After a siesta we came back for happy hour, BBQ and a little party to celebrate my success – however, apart from 4 more or less drunken yet cheerful Dutchmen, there was nobody! At what time do people have dinner here…?!


Whatsoever, turned out to be good to have another early night as the wind was blowing 20 knots the following morning. A low is bringing lots of clouds (little rain unfortunately, urgently need to refill our watertanks…) and lots of rain. Unfortunately, we had more equipment failure and packed up and moved back to the Eastern Holandes.

Amazed to find the wind was still up in the afternoon, that Michael could take the little kite out.



Wann gibt’s schon mal ‘nen Flohmarkt auf ner Palmeninsel? Da wollten wir unbedingt hin. Auch ne gute Gelegenheit, um ein paar Cohibas loszuwerden – dachten wir uns so…

Sind 2 sm weiter westlich nach Isla Elefant zu den Lemmon Cays gefahren (genau, mit Motor), und fanden uns da in bester Gesellschaft mit mindestens 30 anderen Booten.

Leider blieben der erhoffte Absatz und die Party am Abend aus. Die Cruiser sind schon ein merkwuerdiges Voelkchen. Sobald’s Dunkel wird (und das ist hier so gg. 19 Uhr) wollen alle zurueck auf ihrem Boot sein. Deswegen fangen wohl auch an anderen Ankerplaetzen die Happy Hours schon um 15 od. 16 Uhr an…

Egal, gefeiert wird dann ein andermal. Das Gute war immerhin, das wir frueh im Bett waren und morgens fit fuer den klasse Wind waren.

Und ich war ganz aus dem Haeuschen, weil mein vieles Ueben endlich Fruechte trug, und ich die ersten wirklich passablen Stunden auf dem Kiteboard verbringen konnte.

Ausserdem gab’s auf Isla Elefante Benzin fuers Dinghy und Guthaben fuer unser Handy/Internet. Und wir trafen das Gemueseboot! (immer wieder ein Highlight!).

Somit hat sich der kleine Ausflug doch noch mehr als gelohnt!


Another busy anchorage, especially because of all the shoals all over this area

Ganz schoen voll hier! Erstaunlich, wie viele zum Flohmarkt wollen

I’m going, I’m going, really going!! So much fun!

Zugegeben, nicht gerade grazil, aber so happy, der erste Tag, an dem ich mehr Zeit aufm Bord als im Wasser verbracht habe. Uebergluecklich.