Kind of a Perfect Day - 1 Bay South of "Las Tablas", NI - 10.-12.12.2012 - (eng/deu)

Wed 12 Dec 2012 16:26
11:11.182N 85:49.409W
Kind of a Perfect Day
1 Bay South of "Las Tablas", NI
10.-12. Dec. 2012

San Juan del Sur is a cool little place with lots of bars, restaurants and some shops to stock up. There's lots of backpackers, surfers and various expats. All having a good time and partying together with the locals in the plentiful bars. And with us. We enjoyed the lively place and had some nice evening/nights. After four days, we moved on our way South. Before getting to Costa Rica, we wanted to check out the various surf breaks on the way. After only a 5nm sail, we dropped anchor at a lovely white long beach.
It didn't start of that nice here, as Michael got stung on his way to the beach by something strong in his heel (probably a sting ray). He came back in agony - and if Michael is in a lot of pain, it must mean it's pretty bad.
We treated it with venom suction cups, pain killers, antibiotic - and the most effectful amongst all, 90min of a hot foot bath. We had heard about it, but were amazed how well it works to drive the pain away. The next morning, it only hurt a little bit when walking and now (2 days later) it's almost gone!

Maybe also due to the good care I took of him and the wonderful day we had. We took dinghy a bit closer to the beach and swam the rest ashore - without any jellyfish or stingray incidents or else - and enjoyed relaxed yoga on the beach. Okay, after breakfast we had to fuss around again with the generator as it was presenting some problems again. But after two hours boat work, we checked out the surf at Playa Hermosa a bit further north and had some small but nice rides. After lunch and a little nap (all this activity and the heat does exhaust one, you must know) we took the kayak ashore - again without any incidents like loosing a paddle in the surf or even tumbeling over - and explored the little river that comes out on the beach. Unfortunately, after only 15min paddeling inland, it got too shallow to continue. Was lovely to watch the birds and enjoy the beautiful green maze along the shores. I think once I even spotted a monkey. We had heard some howler monkeys around earlier in the morning. We got just back to the river mouth in time for sunset - and to gather some of the plentiful driftwoods for a bonfire later.
Back on Andromeda, gathered our stuff into two drybags and took the kayak back to the beach. Without the moon and a clear sky, the amount of visible stars are just amazing. And in the distance, Andromeda's anchor light made for another little star. At the comforting lights of the fire we enjoyed a gourmet picnic with Focaccia, Humus, a perfect Margarita, champagne and other treats.
It was such a warm night, almost too hot with the fire, that we didn't even bother to put on our dry clothes after having rid ourselves of the wet swimsuits. My first bare bonfire ever.
We and the kayak easily found our way back through the surf and were happy and grateful be safely back on Andromeda after a truly wonderful day.

Will probably spend another day here and then head off to Golfo Santa Elena, Costa Rica

~~~ GERMAN ~~~
Hallo Ihr Lieben,
Ja, als ich mit diesem blog begann, hatte ich mir fest vorgenommen, auch mal wieder was auf Deutsch zu posten. Aber ehrlich gesagt, ist es anstrengend das ganze noch mal auf Deutsch zu wiederholen.... Ich hoffe, das meiste ist auch den Lieben daheim so verstaendlich.
Nur so viel, wir hatten 4 wirklich ganz tolle Tage in San Juan del Sur. Ein aeusserst quirrligerr, sympathische und sehr sicherer kleiner Ort.
Jetzt liegen wir wieder an einem einsamen Strand vor Anker und hatten gestern einen wirklich wunderschoenen Tag. Schwimmen, Yoga, Surfen, Kayaken, und zum kroenenden Abschluss ein romantisches Lagerfeuer unter 1000den von Sternen am Strand. Und in der Ferne Wetterleuchten ueber Costa Ricas Kueste. Ein herrliches Schauspiel.
So, nun muss ich noch einiges aufraeumen und mich an ein paar Bootsprojekte machen, damit meine To Do Liste nicht noch laenger wird, und dann wollen wir einen neuen Strand zum Surfen ausprobieren.
Morgen geht's wahrscheinlich weiter gen Costa Rica.

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