Sailing to Isla Mujeres 28.2.2011 (eng) [pics]

Mon 28 Feb 2011 12:00

21:14.76N, 86:44.75W

Isla Mujeres, Mexico



Woooooonderful sail to Isla Mujeres!

And Craig really enjoyed his first sailing trip.

Hotelzone in Cancun - Impressive coastline!

Enjoying last days with Alley on the beach + snorkeling.


We’re sailing! Ally & Bonnie are having great fun

While Craig enjoys it in the hamac

Our new helmchair team

Checking out the foredeck with Daddy

Sailing is very tiring…

While Daddy catches a big Wahoo, little Miss Ally is having a princess nap.

Hotelzone of Cancun – they must have about a million beds here!!! (If we had better internet I would have researched it, just out of my own curiosity, cause it is pretty impressive…)