port Ghalib, Egypt

Sea Topaz
Duncan Briggs
Tue 7 Apr 2015 13:33
25.32.03 N 34.38.34 E
We finally felt that it was safe to leave Khor Shinab on
April 3rd. We left at first light and had a reasonable trip to Marsa Umbielo,
very near the Egyptian border. On the way we were stopped by a coast guard boat
who wanted to see our cruising permit. We stopped at the marsa for a few hours.
Duncan checked the prop and we had a meal before we carried on just before dark.
The first night was not too bad, but the next day and night and day the wind was
on the nose and stronger than forecast, which meant an uncomfortable trip and
wet and slow. We arrived in Port Ghalib at 10.30 in the evening of April 5th. We
were checked in with visa's in our passports and safely in a berth by 01.00 hrs.
Our friends on Highland Duck and Equanimity were still there, so it was nice to
meet up the next morning.
We have now sorted out simcards, so we have internet
again. Had a meal ashore and found a supermarket. The boat is clean again. So
all is well.
We'll stay here a few days, maybe do a trip to Luxor and
then make for the Suez Canal straight fro here when there is a good weather
window. Keep fingers crossed!