Curacao to San Blas, Panama

Sea Topaz
Duncan Briggs
Mon 16 Feb 2009 16:40
12.11.36 N  072.53.93 W
We were sad to leave Curacao in the 14th. It is a lovely island with a great atmosphere. Made special for us as Gerda (my sister) Steef, Stefan Susanne and Jorgen came for a holiday. They had a very good time and it was wonderful to share part of our experience on Sea Topaz. Ewan also caught up with us. It felt good to see Questionable Logic arrive in Spanish Waters. We had Ewan on board for a couple of days. He signed up with Logic Duncan for a diving course.
We have had a gentle sail sofar. Have just had to put the engine on as the wind is too light. Yesterday the Venezuelan Coastguard called us on the radio to identify ourselves. The guy must have been sitting on a lonely rock island that we were passing. Two nights down, three to go before San Blas for a well deserved rest.
Gerda, Steef and Duncan At Buka Tabla, Curacao                The explorers returning to the mother ship from Klein Curacao