Tana Torajo

Sea Topaz
Duncan Briggs
Wed 31 Oct 2012 05:04
A four day; three night tour to Tana Torajo was recommended by several people and it was amazing, totally different to anything we have seen before. We took an air-conditioned, comfortable bus, which took ten hours to get to Rantepoa. We stayed in a low budget accommodation, recommended by the Lonely Planet. Food was good, accommodation very basic, but it worked. We hired a guide and driver for two days.
Toraja is know for its boat shape houses and their burial ceremonies and graves. The first day we visited the villages of Bori, Palawa and Batutumonga. We saw many of the tongkonan (houses and rice storage buildings). We saw some graves carved out in big boulders and cliff faces. We also took a walk through the country side and saw some of the villages close up. The country side is stunning, mountains, valleys, rivers and rice paddies. On day two we first went went to a market, where they sold buffaloes, hundreds of them and pigs. We then went to another village called Lemo, more touristy this time. Then we went to a funeral ceremony. This one was not too big: only four days and only 10 buffaloes to be killed as well as several; pigs to feed all the hundreds of guests. We were made very welcome and stayed for about two hours.
We then went to look at a tree in which they used to bury very small babies. To finish off yet another village and a very old burial site with wooden coffins that had rotted and opened up to showed many skulls and bones.
We learned a lot and had two amazing days. Then back to Makassar on a 10 hour bustrip.
Today we are shopping for food, do internet stuff and get ready to leave early tomorrow. Unfortunately the fridges are playing up again so we'll need an engineer this afternoon (fingers crossed).
Several graves in one rock
Buffalo market
Pigs for sale
Graves with statues in the gallery
The first buffalo to be killed at the ceremony
Baby graves
Houses are still being build
Very old coffins hanging on the cliffs
Our bus
Our guide
Buffalo horns
Old wooden coffin