Makemo, Tuamotus

Sea Topaz
Duncan Briggs
Fri 5 Jun 2009 06:46
16.30.72 S 143.49.35 W
We have had an excellent time at Raroia, with the good winds Duncan has managed to do some exciting windsurfing. We also met up with some people from other boats entertaining them on Sea Topaz with drinks. We visited a pearl farm, which was very interesting. Fortunately they did not sell pearls as the setup was fairly new and they had not produced any yet. They took us out in their boat to show us how they keep the oysters on lines in the water.
We have been here in Makemo now for two nights. The overnight sail was uneventful, a bit rolly with a 20 kt wind from behind. We are again anchored off a small island with palm trees, white sand and blue water, with two other boats anchored a long way away.( yeh, it is getting very boring) We spent most of the day repairing one of the foresails, even got the sewing machine out. So it is some work and not all play, but we also got in the dinghy to do some exploring and snorkeling. We'll spend a few more days here until we hear from Ewan where we can meet up.
  Duncan windsurfing off our island                The pearl farm work boat full of oyster shells                    Makemo, Sea Topaz is the white dot on the right