Bahamas - Ragged Islands, Little Ragged

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Mon 1 Mar 2021 17:58
Another week in paradise!

We had a Racing Homing Pigeon arrive on Meshugga. Exhausted. After a while of sitting on the coach roof, it flew into the cockpit and settled on the Flybridge stairs.

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We fed and watered it, and it ate a LOT, and then went to sleep. After googling, we found out that these birds are released often 1000 miles away from ‘Home’, and given the heavy winds we’ve been having, it might have been blown off-course and now exhausted. However, the bird stayed numerous days and despite our encouraging it to leave, it would fly around and come back to it’s perch on our flybridge stairs.

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Pizza night aboard Meshugga

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With Duane and Karen, and Ed and Cathy

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The winds died, and we all went snorkelling and hunting for lobster and fish. Nicholas shot a nice Nassau Grouper, I unfortunately did not take any photos - but it was excellent eating!

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On our way back, we had outboard engine problems, this is the second time our motor would not start after a long trip.......

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Luckily Karen and Duane were still close enough and turned round to come tow us back to Meshugga. Thank you!!!!

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Our anchorage at Southside has filled up with a few more yachts

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Sunset drinks ashore with our larger crowd

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Michelle of Roam, has made a new Conch Horn, and gave us a good sunset blow.

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The bird, still with us after a week, we arranged with Myron from Duncan Town, the village on Ragged Island to fetch it, as he has a large aviary at his home, breeding and selling birds. Myron talked to the bird and caught it expertly caught it in a flash, placing it in a proper bird cage to take home.

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Myron was most kind arriving at Meshugga with Gifts of fresh young coconuts for drinking, fresh salt from the Ragged Island Salt Pans, and Morag an excellent superfood plant.

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Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
E: DMace {CHANGE TO AT} Nous {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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