Barbuda - Coco Point and Princess Diana Beach

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Tue 26 Feb 2019 22:39
Our week flew by so quickly.
A few more projects well on the way to completion, a few more walks and dives.
Biltong making...

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Bommies (coral outcrops) all around us for diving/snorkeling

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Then we upped anchor and moved north from Spanish Point through the minefield of bommies, across the bay, and around the next corner north called Coco Point.

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This famed Point was the location of the K-Club, where the wealthy and famous hung out. Now totally destroyed by Hurricane Irma, the land reportedly has been secured by a consortium including Robert De Niro, for a huge upmarket development, on a 194 year lease from the Barbudians, with an annual tag of $100 000 levy to upkeep your holiday home. Currently it is a beautiful Tented Camp, with Restaurant and Pool, where they fly potential buyers in by Sea Plane, for a night of luxury at $1500 per person for a LookSee.

Unfortunately they don’t want Cruisers wandering around, and security it tight ensuring Cruisers don’t wander above the High Water Mark onto their Private Property.

The Private Tented Camp. They would not allow photos of their Camp to be taken whilst we walked around the point in front of it.

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Sea Plane landing between Meshugga and another Cruiser bringing in potential buyers.

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The anchorage is deep close inshore, so we anchored close to the beach and swam ashore.

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Signs ashore on Princess Diana Beach

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Anchored at Coco Point at Princess Diana Beach

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On the southern side of Coco Point, fishing boats to supply the kitchens for the ‘Fly Ins”

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Sea Plane loading up passengers directly from the beach - so neat to see.

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Take Care

Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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