Bahamas - Ragged Islands, South Side, Another Week

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Sun 21 Feb 2021 18:24
Our lives avoiding Covid continues in our Bubble of safe yachts. Here we are ashore having a Burger BBQ

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After eating, just sitting around a fire chatting, the sounds of the gentle lap of water and breeze. Life is Good!

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A walk along the eastern side at low tide so we could wade across the flats

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The beach here is quite unpleasant, and the tidal area mushy with sea weed and mud. It was nicer walking through the deeper flats in a foot of water

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Karen pointing out our route across the flats

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A gorgeous bay just prior to Coco Bay

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Our walk from Karens Garmin watch

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Most of the saloon ceiling down, and Nicholas is replacing all the Solar Panel electrics

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Nice neat wiring job

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Here Nicholas is tidying up the generator locker, of all things electric

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He keeps very busy

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Sundowners again, our anchorage has swelled with Now & Zen retuning, bringing with them Merriwether

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Back aboard Meshugga, we’ve had a Homing Pigeon arrive, very tired. We fed and watered him, and he slept overnight aboard in the cockpit.

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Pizza night aboard Meshugga

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With Ed, Cathy, Duane and Karen

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Today, the Pigeon is still with us, and doesn’t seem inclined to leave. We’ll keep feeding him for a couple of days and then shoo him off. We hope he is from Duncan Town the village about 2 miles away. If not, the next closest land is Cuba some 80 miles away over sea. I hope he doesn’t have to fly all that way to get home......

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Take Care

Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
E: DMace {CHANGE TO AT} Nous {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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