Bahamas - Ragged Islands, Hog Cay again

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Mon 30 Mar 2020 17:10
So pleased to be back at idyllic Hog Cay in the Jumentos, aka Ragged Islands.
We arrived here on Saturday 29 March late afternoon after a fast sail from Buena Vista Cay. The winds are predicted to go light and SE from tomorrow, so we took advantage of the easterly wind to sail. The Bahamas is in lockdown, and we really don’t want to go to civilization to get fuel(even though it is classified as essential goods), so from here onwards we’re sailing whenever possible to conserve diesel for our generators’ use, to charge batteries and make water.
As predicted Saturday brought sunny skies with just a SE breeze, and the girls from SV Alleycat (Marita), and SV Shiloh (Holli), and I did a super walk over Hog Cay to the windward side on a ‘sea glass’ hunt.
View en-route looking back to our anchorage. We are only 6 yachts, 4 of which have been cruising together for the past 2 months, Meshugga, and one other who is in 14 day self-quarantine as they’ve just been to Georgetown and Long Island ashore.
Our walking destination on the windward east side of Hog Cay
Holli and Marita
Holli and me
The island path to the beaches. We walked both the bays that you can see, and over the furthest LH headland to a third bay beyond this photo.
Beautiful powder soft white beaches
Huge driftwood logs and sea grass
The ineffable flotsam and jetsam that washes up on the windward side of ocean islands
Sea glass.......
Still having fun
Cave in the sandstone dune, with a lot of droppings. We think it’s goat!
Flotsam and Jetsam Loot
Bucket-for watering the coconut trees, that the yachties are trying to get growing at the yacht club boma
Rake - for cleaning our yacht club beach (not in the photo)
A mismatched pair of Flip-flops - you never know when I might might need another pair. Lockdown and no stores in Hog Cay.....
Flipper - yes just one. Not sure why I picked this up, except it’s in great condition. Maybe I’ll find another one :-))
Sea Glass - the main reason we went on this walk. I love the blue glass heart. Perhaps I’ll make that into a necklace.
Back at our Hog Cay Yacht Club Boma, we joined the other ‘healthy’ yachties for evening sundowner drinks
Gosha and Kryss of SV Aldabarone
Carl, single-hander on Mokakat, sailing with Pepper his Schnauzer
John from SV Shiloh, Alan and Marita from SV Alleycat
RHS, Holli from SV Shiloh and Carl
Nicholas and me.
The couple from the 6th yacht, Karen and Jerry of SV Persephone cannot join us ashore as they are still onboard in self quarantine.
Never mind the Green Flash, look at this amazing Blue Ray
Yes, I took 2 photos, I could not believe what we were all seeing, and it showed up on the photos.
Take Care
Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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