USA - ThanksGiving in San Francisco & Lake Tahoe

SV Meshugga
Nicholas & Deidre Mace
Mon 2 Dec 2019 18:56
SO amazing to be in San Francisco and spend ThanksGiving with Kieran and Katie!

Beer-o-Clock in Tiburon. Cool in the sunshine.

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Crossing the iconic San Fran bridge

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Kieran and Katies’ beautiful home in Point Richmond

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Catching the Ferry from Point Richmond into San Fran

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SF Ferry Terminal

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Stunning flowers downtown in SF

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Apple Store for some courses to improve my usability of my devices

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After ThanksGiving we drove north to Lake Tahoe for the weekend, and oh my, snow everywhere...... So amazing after being in the Continual Summer heat.

An amazing photo, top half through the glass Sunroof. Fir trees full of snow

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Scribbles and Marley with Katie and me

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Kieran and Nicholas fitting the snow chains

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A further quick stop to tighten the chains

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The balcony of our Lodge at Lake Tahoe

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Great fire warmed the Lodge

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Group Mace Selfie at Lake Tahoe

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Ski Lodge ice rink

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Warming up

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Early morning start back to San Fran as a huge cold front was arriving midday and traffic was predicted to be intense

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Snow Plow ahead of us on the road out of Kings Beach, Tahoe

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Icy, snowy roads.
Thanks to Kieran and Katie for all that stressful driving!

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Back to Meshugga after an awesome 10 days with Kieran and Katie

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American Airlines delays ....our connecting flight arrived late and needed a new front wheel!

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Off at last after a 4 hour delay ........ homeward to Meshugga in St Martin

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Take Care

Deidre Mace
SV Meshugga
E: Deidre {CHANGE TO AT} Mace {DOT} co {DOT} za
C: +1 754 213 7663
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